Monday, May 14, 2007

AWOL....Missing in the land of fish and chips!

One more apology.......this healthy eater has been missing across the pond on an impromptu family visit. However, the healthy eating title is somewhat of a misnomer when in the United Kingdom since I ate my way through plenty of pork pies, ruby murrays (curries to you non-Brits), yogurts containing more calories than a large Coldstone, and strange flavoured crisps (chips) does pickled onion flavour sound?

Anyway, now that I am returned to my rightful place I need to regain my healthy eating, if any of you cyber spacers need a few healthy recipes look no further than this's belt tightening and gym going all round!

So, I know that woman cannot subsist on salads alone so here's a little impromptu soup recipe for's really tasty and easy and don't be put off by the grey-ish/green colour!! lol! As with all my recipes.........feel free to vary the quantities and vegetables as the whim takes you.

Faux cream of celery and parsnip soup

Onion...finely chopped
Potato...peeled and cut into small dice head cut up small
Parsnip.....peeled and cut into small cubes
Vegetable or chicken stock.....about 6 cups
Condiments to taste

Sweat onion in a small amount of oil (olive or canola)until soft but not coloured.
Add stock, celery, parsnip, and potato....simmer until tender.
When cooked puree using a stick blender until smooth.
Add salt, pepper and nutmeg to taste.

Serve with some croutons on top and a bit of chopped parsley.

BTW......studies suggest that eating soup before a meal fills you up and those in the study given the soup ingested less calories than those persons who did not eat soup. So, eat your soup!!


Montessa said...

I assume the "faux" in the soup is because there really is no cream... Hmmmm I'll have to try it.

Suzanne the RD said...

Hey lady! What would i do without your enlightened comments!
Keep em coming!