Saturday, May 3, 2008

Artery clogging goodness!


I know red meat has a bad rap but it's a great source of iron and zinc and, since I surgically remove any trace of fat from my meat, it's not the worst case of saturated fat (compare to some fast food nightmares that don't even fill you up

This steak au poivre (steak in pepper corns to us non Frenchies) is simple to prepare and tastes wonderful.

Steak au Poivre

4-8 oz steaks (raw weight)
black peppercorns (crushed finely with a mortar and pestle, or in a ziploc bag using the base of a small skillet to crush)
lit barbeque

Take the steak from the fridge about 20 mins before you plan to cook it.

Sprinkle with sea salt and then place the crushed peppercorns on top of a piece of plastic wrap.
Place the steak on top of the peppercorns and pat in.

Place on hot barbeque and cook to your liking.

I served with cauliflower and barbequed sweet potato slices.

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