Thursday, February 12, 2009

Rosy fish piccata

Here's an easy, quick and healthy potential Valentine's dish for all you lotharios out there!

I came home from work and had some fish defrosted but was lacking inspiration in what to do with it. Now, I love chicken piccata and I've posted an easy recipe for that before but tonight I decided to make a fish version, minus the butter and heavy cream but with all the flavour and more nutritional punch. Also, Valentine's day is really not the day to overindulge in rich, heavy foods!

Here's my usual non-recipe, recipe!

Rosy fish piccata

Firm white fish fillets (I used tilapia...easy, cheap and quick to cook)


Veggie or chicken stock

Rose (dry-ish) wine or grape juice or pomegranate juice


Lemon juice

Lemon slices

Pat the fish dry, season with salt and pepper then pat with cornstarch (will help thicken the sauce later)

Spray a non stick frying pan with PAM spray and heat over medium heat

Add the fish and cook until golden on each side, remove from the pan

Add stock and wine or juice to the pan and bubble until reduced by half

Put the fish back in the pan and cook until the fish is cooked (opaque) then add the capers to your taste, lemon juice and lemon slices for garnish....

Serve with broccoli and a nice glass of pink wine....

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The Power of Chocolate!

Since the most commercial of holidays is about to be upon us I thought I would look at the most aphrodisical (and nutritional) aspect of Valentine's day...chocolate. Actually, that's not entirely true..I'm sure raw oysters are far more nutritional and aphrodisical (all that zinc) but they are nowhere near as fun or full of antioxidants.....

Chocolate, along with fruits and veggies, tea and red wine contain powerful antioxidants called flavonoids. These compounds are thought to prevent against cell oxidation and dark chocolate contains the most of these polyphenolic compounds.

So, moderate dark chocolate consumption may help prevent atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), help lower LDL (the bad cholesterol) and lift your mood since it tastes so good!

So, here's a simple choccie sauce recipe...serve with fresh fruit and enjoy the double benefits of antioxidants!

Chocolate sauce

Break up a bar of the darkest chocolate you can find....85% cocoa

Melt in the microwave on low or over a pot of simmering water.

When melted, stir in a couple of tablespoons of heavy cream (shock, horror!) until combined.

Keep warm and use as a dip for strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, bananas, apple slices etc.